Have you been noticing differences in yourself or someone close to you? Have you noticed subtle changes in memory, mood swings or maybe finding it harder to find the right words? We understand that contemplating the fact you or a loved one could have early-onset dementia is a scary thought and because of that, you may subconsciously try to dismiss and deny the early signs as something else entirely.
Identifying the early stages of dementia can help slow down the progression and that’s why if you notice any of the following seven symptoms we would urge you to go and speak to your GP and get some medical advice immediately.
The first changes you may have noticed are lapses in short-term memory. We all know that everyone has the occasional moments where they might’ve forgotten something however it isn’t the same if it’s happening frequently. People with early onset dementia may forget what they had for their lunch but can still remember memories from their childhood. It may be that you have forgotten where you left something, forgotten important dates or events, forgotten how to make something you usually know how to do or retell a story which you’d only just finished moments ago.
Whilst in conversation you/they may find it difficult to find the right words and it might always be on the ‘tip of the tongue’. This can cause frustration and you may swap the word for something like ‘thingamajig’. Again, these things may sound like something that we all have done but if it’s a frequent occurrence and you’ve consciously noticed it then there could be a problem developing.
Unfortunately, as dementia develops you may find that you/they suffer from severe mood swings. A conversation or situation can rapidly make a person change from being happy to angry in a matter of seconds and for no obvious reason and they may become more argumentative. Alternatively, they may show less emotion or if they’re usually shy it’s not uncommon that they will become more outgoing.
You may have found that you’ve lost interest in things you were usually passionate about, whether that was a hobby or spending time with friends or family etc. It may seem like they don’t want to do anything anymore and sleep more than usual.
In the early stages, it’s common that sense of direction will begin to deteriorate, meaning that you may be finding it hard to remember familiar landmarks and forget your way to and around certain places that you’ve regularly gone to before. It’s also harder for them to follow step-by-step instructions and directions.
It’s common due to the memory loss associated with dementia that you may have noticed your loved one beginning to repeat themselves in conversation, like asking the same question even when it had previously been answered. They may also start to repeat daily tasks such as shaving or washing their face etc.
You could’ve noticed that your ability to perform everyday tasks may have become more difficult, like following a recipe or you may find that find particular games you used to enjoy hard to follow, especially if there are a lot of rules. You may find that it’s also harder to learn how to do new things and follow different routines.
Another common thing associated with dementia is the propensity to fall frequently.
The Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion allows a fallen person to be lifted safely and quickly off the fall and keep stress to a minimum. If you’d like more information regarding the Camel please click here.
If you’re unsure and worried about what to do then please read our ‘Where To Get Help If You Think You Or Someone Is Living With Dementia’ article here.
Mangar Health is a member of the Winncare Group