
Mangar Health is a world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of inflatable moving and handling and bathing equipment.

We are an award winning company proud to serve a global healthcare market with particular interests in Europe, Asia, America and Australia.

We have been in business since 1981 with a clear commitment to the design of products which enable people to retain their independence and dignity while reducing the risk of strain and injury to carers.

Mangar Health Products

Initially, our focus was on creating the best bathing equipment in the field (you can read more about this on our history page) but very soon we realised our expertise and knowledge could be put to far wider use and have developed a portfolio of aids including bath lifts, pillow lifts and emergency lifting cushions which sell the world over.

Fundamentally, our products and rehabilitation equipment are designed to make life easier for disabled and elderly people with everyday tasks such as getting in and out of bed, taking a bath, and lifting someone who has fallen over.

Looking more closely at the stories behind the people who buy Mangar, the reality is that while our products offer practical solutions to such challenges, what they also do is really add value to an individual’s quality of life – and that is why we love what we do.

Customer Care

We may be an international company but we also keep our contacts close, with a network of people working with us across the world to understand and respond to the changing needs of our customers.
With an in-house research and development team constantly designing and manufacturing life-changing independent living solutions, we work hard to maintain our position at the forefront of healthcare and rehabilitation technology. While we have a cabinet of awards won by Mangar over the years, is it the thank yous that we receive from customers that spur us on and pay real testimony to the expertise of our team.

© 2025 Mangar Health. All Rights Reserved. Mangar International Ltd, Presteigne, Powys, Wales, LD8 2UF, UK

Mangar Health is a member of the Winncare Group

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