People fall over for any number of reasons but the natural ageing process will place older adults at an increased risk. Although very common, a third of people over 65 will fall at least once a year, best practice in lift assists and post fall care is often overlooked. Many organisations focus on the importance of fall prevention methods but falls will still happen and how we deal with them is vital.
Our work over the last 40 years has been focused on finding solutions to support anyone who falls and those who perform lift assists. Our mission is to empower care providers through innovative lift assist equipment, health assessment training and most importantly, falls education.
We collaborate with ED doctors, occupational therapists, manual handling managers, paramedics, caregivers and physiotherapists to ensure patients get safe, dignified care after a fall. This site contains articles, white papers and webinars from leading healthcare professionals in the field of post fall care, who have been happy to share their experiences.
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