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    Bedroom Aids for the Home

    Bedroom Aids for the Home

    Staying in your own home while recuperating after illness or a hospital stay is for many people vital to their personal health and well-being.  Sometimes, hospital discharge teams are concerned that pressure care management will not be effectively maintained once a patient has left their care and are responsible for finding a care package that safeguards future health.  Pressure care involves a patient being moved or turned regularly to maintain skin health and this can be a challenge for the loved ones or carers responsible for providing support in the home.

    Combining nursing care and the appropriate pressure care equipment can lead to a patient being successfully cared for a home.  Used under clinical supervision, dynamic mattresses, positioning cushions and patient turners can be utilised to regularly and safely move patients.

    With the introduction of the new Winncare foam and dynamic mattresses to our product portfolio, we are able to provide care homes with a solution led approach to pressure care, using products that have been used in Europe for 20 years.

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