Page 44 - Safe Patient Lifting - Digital Guide
P. 44


         Heritage Property


          Workers compensation                            all work place injuries
          pay outs drop by 80%                            averaged $16,634.00 per
                                                          location. In 2013 our worker’s
                                                          compensation pay-out for all
          “We purchased our first Camels                  work-place injuries averaged
          in May 2009. At that time we                    $3,182.00. As you can see,
          were experiencing “higher                       this is a reduction of 80%

          than desired” expenses in                       or an average of $13,452 per
          staff injuries. Our investigation               location per year in pay out –
          revealed that the majority of                   which more than pays for the
          back, shoulder and neck strains                 cost of the Camel.
          were a result of assisting a
          resident up from the floor after
          a fall, or from attempting to                   “Granted, the Camel is not
          prevent a resident from landing                 solely responsible for this
          on the floor – breaking a fall.                 change in payout, but it has
                                                          greatly reduced the extent
                                                          of injuries from lifting folk
           “We own and operate 8                          off the floor.  We are very
          licensed Homes for the Aged in                  focused on the importance
          the state of Michigan and have                  of our personnel working

          a capacity of approximately                     safely – for the good of our
          700 elderly residents.  We                      residents and our staff.  We
          employ approximately 600                        have purchased second
          staff to care for these folks.                  Camels for our largest

          “Prior to purchasing and
          training staff on the use
          of the Camel our worker’s                       Kathleen Sharkey
          compensation pay-out for                        Director of Operations
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