Page 11 - Safe Patient Lifting - Digital Guide
P. 11
Inflatable Lifting Cushions
In a Senior Living Environment: In an EMS Environment:
• Uninjured fallen residents can be lifted • One piece of equipment that can pick
without the need to wait for an ambulance. anyone from the most fragile to plus size
This frees staff up to continue with their people up to 70 stone.
duties, rather than spend time sitting with the
resident who has fallen. • Only two EMS workers needed to respond
to fallen plus size or bariatric patients.
• Residents who are uninjured could wait up to
seven hours for an ambulance. • Using lifting cushions reduces the need
for multiple crews and vehicles to attend
• Improved wellbeing of residents fallen patients. This improves productivity
and their families. levels and helps services to achieve
response targets.
• Completing a controlled, dignified lift reduces
the likelihood of a long lie on the floor and
increases the chance of a good recovery.
• Families of residents find using a lifting
cushion, particularly in public areas, a more
dignified way to care for their relative.