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    Our Partners


    Complete Care Shop: “Mangar Health’s products feature on the Complete Care Shop website and give a real alternative to traditional mobility products.  We have seen great interest from our customers in the Bathing Cushion and ELK in particular and as a company, we have benefited from offering innovative assistive technology equipment.”

    Co-Operative Mobility: Co-operative Mobility have dealt with Mangar Health for many years and have found their products, and their back-up service, to be of the very highest standard.


    We are proud to say that we work with a range of valued partners in the healthcare industry, including:



    Mangar Health is pleased to be a partner in Age Concern’s Business Directory. Age UK aims to improve later life for everyone through information and advice, services, campaigns, products, training and research.

    Years Ahead use their knowledge and expertise to bring easier living products and services out of the specialist sector and into the mainstream market place.

    Mangar Health is a contributor to the Independent Living Website, providing impartial information about products and services to help with mobility and independence.

    assist UK logo

    Mangar Health is pleased to be an Affiliate Member of Assist UK – an umbrella organisation for disabled living centres. The organisation also provides a comprehensive range of services in support of members, including Exhibitions, Conferences, Training, and Consultancy.

    NAEP Logo

    Mangar Health is pleased to be associated with NAEP (National Association of Equipment Providers) as a Commercial Partner.

    Disabled Living Foundation Logo

    Mangar Health is proud to be a sponsor of the DLF’s Living Made Easy Website offering impartial advice on a wide range of products including bath lifts, pillow lifts, lifting cushions and aids for independent living.

    Senior Issues Logo

    Mangar Health is pleased to be associated with Caesar & Howie’s excellent resource for the over 55s.

    John Preston Logo

    John Preston Healthcare Group has been a family run business since 1846, they supply to the NHS, local authorities and are also the exclusive distributor of Mangar International products in Northern Ireland.

    Mangar Health is pleased to partner with CareCo – CareCo offer a huge range of mobility products from the leading manufacturers in the industry, selling items from a small walking aid to a road-worthy mobility scooter at the most competitive prices in the UK

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